What should I do an MBA or an MSc?

What should I choose, MBA or Master (MSc/MA)?

The increasing competitiveness of the labor market has now made it necessary to obtain a master's program either for someone who is just taking the first professional steps or for someone who already has a lot of work experience.

But how to choose the right master's degree?
Which program will provide both the knowledge and the boost to the graduate's CV? We choose MBA ή MSc?What's the difference?Choosing the right master's degree has to do with several factors, such as the quality and solvency of the university, the content of the study program, but also how well the respective program fits the needs and requirements of the individual student.

The University of Heriot Watt of Edinburgh is one of the leading universities in Great Britain (So looking at the rankings of the Universities, but also its strategic goal (the creation of an institution with international appeal and presence) one understands that the Heriot Watt University of Edinburgh offers its students and graduates a degree with a global impact The University was founded in 1821 by the economist George Heriot and the engineer James Watt (inventor of the steam engine), which means that it has around 200 years of experience and presence in the field of higher and pioneering education, which means that it is an institution with a long tradition and with a guarantee of the quality of the degrees it awards. The above is very important since graduates hold a degree that offers both quality and solvency things that are recognized by employers, since over 92% of graduates find work or improve their working conditions in within 6 months of graduating.

The MBA is a graduate program in business administration that aims to train a student for a managerial position, i.e. it is not a degree that offers specialized "technical" knowledge in some individual business function (such as finance, marketing, human resource management, etc.) but provides knowledge that will equip graduates to manage any function/department of a business with an understanding of other functions/departments so that the business functions harmoniously as a whole. On the contrary, an MSc postgraduate offers the specialized knowledge of a function in depth and aims to create graduates "experts - specialists" in specific subjects depending on the field of the title (MSc in Financial Management, MSc in Marketing, MSc in Human Resource Management etc. .). It is important to understand that one type of degree differs from the other not in terms of the level of study – they are both equal postgraduate degrees – but in the subject they deal with. Which program one chooses must be based on the interest and subject of each candidate. For example, a bank employee who has been working for a long time in his subject and wishes to aim for a supervisor position, regardless of function, would be more appropriate to do a postgraduate MBA program. And the MSc enables one to be a leader in one's specialty, but if one wants to move outside of it one needs to supplement the general business knowledge. Perhaps the terms generalist and specialist best summarize the difference.

The courses/modules contained in a master's program and the format of the program itself are very important in the final choice. The MBA and the Master in Science at Heriot Watt University and Edinburgh Business School offer a range of modules that aim not just to present theory but to connect theoretical scientific knowledge with the world of business and how it can all be applied in practice. The exceptional flexibility of the programs (time, location, finance, sequence of courses) makes the programs particularly friendly to workers offering the possibility without neglecting or leaving their work and with any unforeseen circumstances to obtain a degree of high level and recognition in any place, wherever and if found.
